When working with text in Excel its often useful to combine the text from two or more cells into a single cell. This can be done with a couple of different methods
Method 1 - using the Concatenate function
I've previously blogged about the basics of this function in this post . Here we'll look at the function in a bit more detail and some common use cases.
Almost all people I've helped with Excel aren't familiar with the word 'Concatenate', its definition is "link (things) together in a chain or series." which is exactly what the concatenate function does.
Its simplest use case would be,
= Concatenate (A1, A2)
This would combine the values in A1 and A2 into a single value which would be displayed in the cell in which the function is placed, lets look at a real example
Here we have a list of first names and last names and we'd like to combine them into another column titled 'Full Name'. We'll begin by using the Concatenate function and passing the first and last names to it as the arguments (shown here by 'text1', '[text2]'…
As we add the cell references to the function they become highlighted with colour boxes to help display how the function will work
If we hit enter and fill down, we'll see the result of the function applied to each row. As you can see, the function has done exactly what we've asked it to do and combine the first and last names but without a space because there is no space at the end of the first name or the start of the last name.
Adding the space can easily be done by using the " " text between the first and last name. To do this we need to modify the function by clicking on cell D2 and then pressing F2 (or editing the function in the formula bar)
Note - the additional text to combine (the space) needs to be preceded by a comma so its separate to the B2 reference. This is true for the last cell reference too. To summaries, we need to enter (B2, " ", C2) after the word concatenate so that each piece of text to combine is has a comma between it for the function to work correctly.
If we fill this function down we'll see the following:
Each cell now has the first and last name with a space in between them.
Method 2 - Using the Ampersand method
Although its advisable to use functions, it is possible to complete the same process but without using the concatenate function at all. The Ampersand (&) character in excel can also be used to combine two pieces of text.
If we use the same example from before, we can enter the following formula into the Full Name column
Which will return the following result
As per the previous example, there is no space added to the result so we have to manually add it in the same way as before making sure to include an ampersand between each of the 3 pieces of text to combine.
When we fill this down to the subsequent rows the result is…
Combining text in excel is a common activity that can easily be achieved using the Concatenate function or placing an ampersand between each piece of text to combine.
In the next post I'll look at how we can separate text strings.
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